Request Stephanie for a speaking engagement. Each keynote is completely customizable. You have the theme & Stephanie will bring it to life.



With her extensive strategy & leadership background, Stephanie speaks for corporations, associations, women’s conferences & masterminds offering two high-level keynotes full of high energy and audience engagement.


Vanilla is Iconic: Turning Your Ordinary Into Extraordinary

What happens when professionals and executives wake up one day and feel burnt out? Overlooked? Monotonous?

Turnover. Cultural shift. Productivity decline. Disengagement.

Now, more than ever, we’re bombarded with the allure of needing to be vastly different in order to rise to the top.

But… Businesses thrive off simplicity. Professionals are indispensable when they master the mundane. Clients are attracted to what they can relate to.

Vanilla is iconic for a reason.

Find it. Hone it. Leverage it.

Ideal for: Direct Selling Conferences, Women’s Events & Initiatives, Leadership or Sales Teams, Corporate Organizations, Associations


The Art of Seeing Potential: Discovering opportunities for innovation in the seemingly mundane.

Embracing Simplicity: How stripping away complexity can lead to greater impact and clarity of vision.

Cultivating a Culture of Creativity: Nurturing an environment that encourages bold ideas and unconventional thinking.

Leveraging Constraints: Turning limitations into catalysts for innovation and growth.

“Many people think they lack motivation when what they really lack is clarity.”

- James Clear

Keynote | Workshop

Clarity Sells: The Undeniable Law of Attraction


The difference for businesses that are transactional vs. the ones that have unstoppable momentum is one thing: clarity.

Clarity creates the confidence necessary to implement big ideas, to sell more powerfully, and to begin to do so effortlessly.

That confidence breeds momentum.

The higher version of business & self you desire are actually within you, but self-sabotage keeps it hidden in plain sight. Why do some businesses skyrocket while others plateau?

The answer: clarity.

Ideal for: Leadership or Sales Teams, Corporate Organizations, Associations, Direct Selling Conferences, Women’s Events, Entrepreneurs

Discover how to tap into what it is you’re after, how to skirt the sabotage and uncover the strategy that will get you there.

Uncover your biggest selling block (yourself) and how to leverage that into your sales.

Learn to leverage your clarity + momentum into the confidence that will effortlessly attract new clients to you.

speaker reels

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